Space Maintainers at Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

At Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we understand the importance of maintaining proper dental alignment and spacing for your child's developing teeth. Space maintainers are a crucial part of our preventive dental services, designed to ensure your child's permanent teeth grow in correctly. Our team of board-certified pediatric dentists in San Antonio and surrounding areas is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care in a friendly and comforting environment.

What Are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are custom-made dental devices used to hold space for permanent teeth when a baby tooth is lost prematurely. They help prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the empty space, ensuring that there is adequate room for the permanent tooth to emerge properly.

Benefits of Space Maintainers

  1. Prevents Misalignment
    By holding space for the permanent teeth, space maintainers help prevent misalignment and overcrowding, which can lead to more complex orthodontic issues in the future.
  2. Supports Proper Oral Development
    Space maintainers support the natural development of your child's jaw and teeth, promoting proper chewing, speech, and overall oral health.
  3. Custom-Fit for Comfort
    Our space maintainers are custom-made to fit your child's mouth comfortably. They are designed to be durable and effective, providing the necessary support for your child's dental development.

What are space maintainers used for?

When a baby tooth is knocked out too early and the adult tooth underneath is not ready to grow in yet, it can cause orthodontic issues for the patient. Teeth tend to shift into empty spaces, and if this happens, the adult tooth may not have enough room to grow in properly or at all. This can cause a lot of discomfort for the patient, and it can require more advanced orthodontic treatments to fix. Space maintainers are simple oral appliances that hold space open for the adult tooth to grow in and prevent the other teeth from shifting, and they are easy to place and remove.

Our Space Maintainer Process

At Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we follow a thorough process to ensure the best results for your child:

  1. Comprehensive Dental Exam and X-Rays
    Before placing a space maintainer, our dentists perform a comprehensive dental exam and take x-rays to evaluate your child's oral health and determine the need for a space maintainer. Visit our preventive dentistry page for more details.
  2. Professional Teeth Cleaning
    A professional cleaning ensures that your child's teeth and gums are healthy before placing the space maintainer. Learn more about our teeth cleaning services
  3. Custom-Fitting the Space Maintainer
    The space maintainer is custom-fitted to your child's mouth, ensuring comfort and effectiveness. It is then securely placed to hold the space for the future permanent tooth.

Book an Appointment Today!

Ensure your child's teeth develop properly with space maintainers at Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. Schedule an appointment with us today. Call us at your nearest location or visit our locations page to book online.