Dental Extractions

Dental extractions are not the most enjoyable pediatric dental procedures, but they can be necessary to restore your child’s smile and help them maintain positive oral health. Our empathetic team at Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry can work with your child to keep them as comfortable and relaxed as possible before, during, and after their tooth extraction. To schedule an appointment with our team, please contact our office, and we will find a convenient time for your child to come see us.

How will I know if my child needs a tooth extraction?

If you suspect that your child may need a dental extraction, our team can examine their teeth and take X-rays to create a treatment plan that will fit their needs. Kids’ tooth extractions can become necessary if a baby tooth is refusing to come out and blocking one or more adult teeth from growing in. Teeth also need to be extracted if they have been affected by tooth decay, gum disease, or dental trauma, and it makes more sense to remove the tooth and apply a space maintainer until the adult tooth grows in. Baby teeth can affect the adult teeth underneath, so it’s essential that damaged baby teeth be removed as soon as possible.

When can my child return to school?

While kids can usually return to school after a routine cleaning or having a cavity filled, dental extractions are one of the more advanced restorative procedures, and your child may feel worn out afterward. We recommend allowing them to take at least two or three days off from school, work, and extracurriculars, especially sports and other physical activities, as too much exercise too soon can disrupt the healing process. They will likely start to feel fairly normal again after a day or two, but they should continue to take it easy and eat soft foods for a while.

What is aftercare for a child’s tooth extraction like?

When you bring your child home from their dental extraction appointment, we recommend propping their head up on a couple of pillows and letting them watch a movie or read for a while. It’s also a good idea to have ice packs on hand and some pain medication that they can take once the numbness from the anesthetic wears off. They should wait to eat anything until their mouth is no longer numb, so they don’t accidentally bite their tongue or the inside of their cheek. Applesauce, yogurt, pudding, and smoothies are all good food choices, as long as your child doesn’t drink anything through a straw.

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Contact Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics to schedule an appointment. Our team is here to ensure your child receives the best care possible. Visit our contact page to book your appointment today.